Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time to throw it DOWN

Bring.  It! (How can you not throw it down after looking at that album cover?  Rope chains?  Track suits?  Awkward stacking?  It has everything except for the quirky Asian DJ on the wheels of steel in the background. *swoon*)

So, for all intents and purposes today is my first official date of being an accepted Student at Animation Mentor.  The past 12 weeks I've been going through some Maya training, also provided by AM, since it had been, quite literally, years since the last time I had even touched the Maya interface.  Figured it may be a good idea to brush up. :)

With that "Maya reload" out of the way now, I get to begin my journey into "Class 1: Basic Foundations" this evening with 13 other individuals under the supervision of Scott Lemmer.   Upon "e-stalking" Scott, I realized that he has possibly worked with a couple acquaintances of mine that I just may happen to have embarrassing stories about.  Methinkst this could be fun.  :)

Commence rocking in 3....2....

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